Most businesses do not realize how much money they waste on selling and marketing costs
At budget time, many businesses plan to reduce the cost to produce their goods or services to boost profit. Many companies may look at reducing company overhead. Both are proven strategies, but you can only cut so much overhead before you start hurting your business prospects. There is a great opportunity to find several percentage points of profit by surveying your business. We've helped several companies save millions of dollars that they can keep for profit or invest back into their businesses.
Cutting your channel sales costs will improve profitability and contribute to future growth
We have worked with companies that improved their selling costs in one year by as much as 20%; the result being more than $9 million in profit improvement for the year for one business in particular. At other businesses, we've managed to reduce selling costs as a percentage of sales by double digits over several years as part of a 3 or 5 year plan. Has your business ever taken a strategic approach to cutting selling costs? If not, that's good news! It's still waiting to happen, and you can be the beneficiary of a new sales and profit growth strategy.
Don't Ignore this tremendous opportunity for financial gain
There is a tremendous opportunity in almost all companies to take a strategic approach to lower selling costs. You start with the P&L Statement or a channel expense statement and find opportunities for a better ROI on those expenses. Contact us for more info.
Sales Tip: Whether you sell through digital marketing, direct mail, field sales, inbound, outbound, or multiple channels, your ROI from selling initiatives can change frequently. Audit your selling selling costs with a similar discipline to how you audit overhead, product, service, production, and delivery costs. You will probably experience big, positive results!
Find out how to increase sales and lower selling costs
Contact Saratoga Sales Consulting Today For a Complimentary Sales Consultation*
Our Guarantee: “Our fees are based on your unconditional satisfaction: If you do not feel you received full value, you decide how much value you received and pay just that or nothing at all.”
*Free consultations are available on a limited basis for business owners, presidents, and CEO's. Act now.