Your company has a strategy to run its business, correct? Surprisingly, many companies run their businesses without including a complete sales strategy as a component to the business strategy. Crazy! How can you effectively run a sales organization without a sales strategy and achieve maximum sales performance. You cannot. Get some ideas for sales strategies and sales techniques from us below, from our sales blog or contact us for a complementary consultation.
Coach salespeople to follow a sales process (sales cycle). This can produce amazing improvements in your company's pipeline. Manage the sales team to adhere to this process on every sales call and achieve a 15% or more increase in sales productivity.
80 % of companies do not have an effective sales process.
Coach Salespeople at a minimum of one session per week to keep them motivated and focused on the right sales activities to gain positive sales improvements. Find out how to coach salespeople and sales managers effectively.
95 % of sales managers are ineffective coaches.
Close More Sales Leads Most businesses miss out on a surprisingly large number of sales opportunities. With more effective lead management, your company can double its lead close rate with more effective lead management. Your company will not need to spend more money on lead generation activities. Learn how to close more sales leads and increase the lead close rate by up to 100%.
All companies that rely on sales leads have a huge opportunity for increased sales by following this low cost high ROI sales strategy.
Hire Salespeople Who Will Sell your Products and Services. Most companies' sales hires fail. All companies in the USA combined experience a 75% failure rate when hiring new salespeople. This means that sales hires either fail to hit their sales targets or leave the company within the first year. How much greater value will a successful sales hire generate for your company vs a failed sales hire? The profit difference is huge? Enjoy increased growth quickly or start over and spend more money (and lost sales opportunity) on finding sales talent. If your business can make incredible financial gains when hiring talented salespeople who will work hard to be successful at your company, how much is that worth to you? Feel free to let us know. There is a system and process that will help your sales recruiting efforts deliver greater success. Find out how to hire stronger sales candidates than your competitors.
Use data and sales talent analytics to find and hire salespeople. Do this and your sales recruiting process will become highly successful. Most new sales hires fail at their new job. There is a process and methodology using technology to achieve 92% sales hiring success rate. Find out how to experience incredible sales and profit growth performance improvement with your company's newly hired salespeople and reduce sales recruiting and training costs.
The #1 rated sales candidate assessment for 10 years.
Guaranteed success. Source OMG
For Sales Growth and Sales Pipeline Improvement
Surprisingly, most businesses operate without a sales strategy. If this describes your business, ask yourself, "What is my overall sales plan? How can I expect to maximize sales and profit without a competitive sales strategy?" You can't achieve maximum sales growth and profit without a clear sales strategy. Please review our articles about sales strategies and sale techniques that you can use for your business. CEO's and business owners: There are a tremendous number of strategic sales opportunities for your business. Only some sales techniques are included in our content. Contact us anytime for a communication about how we can help your company solve critical sales issues.

Christopher Wallace
Managing Partner
Saratoga Sales Consulting's Mission
Saratoga Sales Consulting helps businesses develop new and improved sales strategies and sales techniques. Started in 2014, Saratoga Sales Consulting exists to help companies solve their critical sales issues and find new sales opportunities. Most companies have huge opportunities to improve sales performance by focusing on:
sales strategy
sales talent optimization (sales recruiting, sales onboarding, sales training)
effective sales management
sales processes
sales operations that help close more sales leads
Although we believe that the strategies we endorse do not apply to specific industries, we have solutions customized to several specific industries like financial services, manufacturing, technology, information services, printing, and promotional products.
Please check our links on this page or browse the remainder of our site and sales blog.
We will not accept a client unless we believe our contributions will return 10 times or more than the cost of our services (ROI). Saratoga Sales Consulting offers a satisfaction guarantee. Thank you for visiting.
Find Out How Sales Strategy Will Help Your Business Grow Sales and Profit Faster. Some Sales Strategies Can Take Effect Starting Tomorrow
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