3 sales coaching suggestions for sales managers.
Coach each individual salesperson frequently and set daily, weekly, and monthly activity goals for each individual sales person. Follow SMART goal logic meaning they must be specific, measurable, actionable, reasonable, and time based.
Activity goals should lead to achieving specific objectives like:
appointments made
meetings held
plus many other activities leading to a sale or result
Track actual results vs the activity goals daily, weekly, monthly or by whatever time period you determine useful.
Celebrate successes with individual salespeople and the sales team upon successful achievement of activity goals. Coach salespeople who fall short of achieving these goals with direction to get on track. Accountability is a must. Be positive
More Sales Coaching, Sales Strategy & Sales Advice
What other sales activity goals should you measure? Want some ideas? Check out our article on the sales cycle.
Make sure the sales force uses a CRM system and captures all sales activity so that they (and you) can manage their sales progress and keep a sales pipeline. Contact us for some FREE ADVICE* anytime.
If you'd like to learn how to supercharge your sales team with the right sales coaching, we can teach your sales management team to coach. We recommend that a leader at your company provides the sales coaching directly to the sales team. If this is not possible, we can provide the sales coaching service directly to your salespeople and sales managers.
Coaching Frequency - Coach salespeople at least once weekly for strong sales team performance. Several sessions weekly will deliver even more sales growth
*Advice for Business Owners, Presidents, and CEO's: Contact us for a complimentary consultation today!
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